If you have read my previous articles, you might realise by now that I have a very positive outlook towards life.

I truly support the idea of being optimistic. I feel like neglecting the negative aspects of things really makes me productive*. It has given me a hope that there is no dead-end.

Being a young adult in this tremendously competitive era, I’ve come to realise that people don’t have the time to think through their career paths. I’m not very familiar with other countries but here in India, I, personally, think that students choose a career path to college just because it’s an obligation and not because they have truly figured out that that is what’s going to make them happy.

I am currently an intern and I met so many people with different backgrounds that it completely changed my perspective on life. I met people who started their career after a break of 15 years and still made it to the top. I met people who had a taken a completely different path of life and somehow ended up in that office space and met someone who was pursuing their hobby while doing the job that they hated a lot.

All I’m trying to say is that everyone will end up doing something or the other in their lives. And since you know that you are going to be productive in some aspect, might as well give your hobby or passion a shot. You might as well give a shot to something that genuinely makes you happy. **

I know, I know, it’s not that easy but come to think of it, what’s the worse that can happen? You go back to being unhappy while getting that degree, which you were anyways.

*apart from more than just occasional daily naps, taking out the split ends from my hair, spending hours trying to do a handstand, scrolling through my phone and heating up water for some green tea, yeah, I’m quite productive for like 38 minutes a day.

** except drugs. Please don’t. Just don’t.

3 thoughts on “SHOOT

  1. Great post!
    ‘Whereas it’s absolutely fine to think about your passion, don’t get too obsessed with it.’ – That’s how I have come to terms with my job life. I look at it just as a source of income and refuel my passion quota on weekends. 😅

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